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- Untitled (Green Ferns) - Philomena Yeatman
Untitled (Green Ferns) - Philomena Yeatman
Untitled (Green Ferns) by Philomena Yeatman 2017
Print on Paper, 24.5 x 39.5cm
Philomena Yeatman is a Gunggandji woman, born and raised in the Yarrabah community. She began her art career in 1991 as a screen printer and jewellery maker, then later developing her skills as a weaver, producing table mats, fans and baskets. In recent years she has also discovered her talent for painting, but her first love is working in the medium of fibre.
Renowned as an expert weaver, Philomena is passionate about maintaining the knowledge and techniques taught by her grandmother. her practice continues the longstanding skills of weaving with pandanus and cabbage palm collected from her immediate environment.
Philomena's work is inspired by traditional forms used for food collection and gathering from the land and sea. Her techniques include the merging of dyed fabrics, which she weaves into the baskets to create distinctive and vibrant designs.